A protected area that is larger than countries such as Switzerland or Croatia, yet holding fewer than a handful of people at any time, the Central Kalahari is both vast and remote.

Difficult to access, bereft of any infrastructure and with an extreme climate during some months, this is not an easy place to visit. Although it requires a little more commitment to travel here, those that do visit treasure its secluded, untouched nature.

The wildlife in this harsh environment changes spectacularly throughout the year, seasonally hosting huge migrating herbivore herds. One constant inhabitant is the enormous Kalahari lion.

With zero light pollution and dry air, the night skies in the Central Kalahari offer some of the most rewarding stargazing on earth.

We partner with the one notable lodge in the Central Kalahari, an oasis beautifully located overlooking rolling scrub dunes. For most travellers wanting to fully experience the isolation of the Central Kalahari, we will often recommend combining a visit there with an overnight stay in one of our private temporary camps set deep in the wilderness.